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Please register if you would like to comment, need some advice, or would like to share your knowledge. Otherwise you are also welcome to browse around the site.

Please note that no disparaging or degrading comments will be tolerated. For instance, if you are experiencing a conflict situation at work, (and there will be many of these in your working career), and would like some advice, please ask for it in an objective manner without naming and shaming people or your company. The aim of the site is to assist each other, not assign blame. Use non-confrontational language such as “I feel that …” and remember manners, please and thanks, especially when you have the privilege of receiving advice from someone else. So remember the simple rules of etiquette which can be so easily forgotten.

We welcome interns that want to make something of their lives; realise their potential; be happy, healthy and successful…. and in the process want to help each other to achieve this.


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